Recette crêpes moelleuse, délicieuses et légères

Recette facile de crêpes moelleuse avec seulement 2 oeufs

Hello les gourmands,

J'espère que vous allez bien.

Je suis une grande fan de crêpes , j'en fait au moins une fois par semaine, je vais vous partager ma recette de crêpes moelleuse et légères simple et rapide à faire.

C'est une recette crêpes avec seulement deux oeufs , oui je mets que deux oeufs parce que je consomme des oeufs bio, ça un coût lol, les crêpes sont tout aussi bonnes.

Vous pouvez utiliser cette recette pour des crêpes sucrées ou salées. Pour la crêpe salée ,il faut retirer le sucre vanillé, l'extrait de vanille et saler un peu.

Dans cette recette , souvent j'utilise du lait d'avoine ,le best lait végétale et c'est tellement délicieux.

Testez et vous m'en dirais des nouvelles.

La devise a été respecte, une recette simplerapide et extrêmement délicieux. Je suis confiante.

Recette de crêpes sans oeufs ni lait

Recette facile de crêpes vegan


  • facile
  • simple à réaliser.
  • préparation simple.
  • avec très peu d'ingrédients
  • parfait pour les enfants.
  • peut être fait en atelier de pâtisserie avec les enfants.
  • pas cher à réaliser.
  • moelleuse
  • gourmande
  • sucrer juste comme il faut
Recette facile de crêpes moelleuse avec seulement 2 oeufs

Recette crêpes moelleuses


  • 250 gr de farine
  • 2 oeufs
  • 500 ml de lait  ou du lait végétale ( comme le lait d'avoine)
  • 50 gr de beurre
  • 1 sachet de vanillé
  • 1 c à c d'extrait de vanille

Etapes de la recette:

  • Mettez la farine et l'oeuf dans un plat, ajoutez le lait, battez avec un fouet électrique.
  • Ajoutez le beurre fondu, le sucre vanillé, l'extrait de vanille et battez le tout.
  • Laisser reposer pendant 30 minutes. ( optionnel)
  • Huilez votre poêle et versez la pâte sur l'ensemble de la partie plate de votre poêle.
  • Répétez ainsi jusqu'a épuisement de la pâte.

Recette facile de crêpes moelleuse avec seulement 2 oeufs

- Graisser la poêle et cuire les crêpes (au moins, j'allume le four pour garder les crêpes au chaud).Graisser régulière la poêle pour obtenir des crêpes moelleuses.

- Si vous voulez une recette 100% végétalienne, remplacez le beurre par du beurre végétal ou de l'huile végétale neutre.

- Garnissez les avec du chocolat, du sucre, de la confiture et les possibilités de garnissage sont multiples. J'espère que cela te plait. Maintenant à toi de jouer. 

Tag nous sur instagram amourducake si tu as réalisé cette recette.

Laisse moi un petit commentaire , cela me fera plaisir!!😘😘
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Recette facile de crêpes moelleuse avec seulement 2 oeufs
Recette facile de crêpes moelleuse avec seulement 2 oeufs

122 comentários


    I am Winnie Huffel, a Poland born living in Boston, USA. Losing one’s Digital Assets or Cryptocurrency to Scammers tends to be complicated and Frustrating too. I happened to fall victim After being swindled off $230,000 of Crypto by a fraudulent Company’s website that had guaranteed me to double my Investment in a week. When I finally came to realize I had lost my funds, I immediately took action as this was all my savings, that’s when I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, a legitimate Crypto Expert specializing in Cryptocurrency and Assets Recovery. I immediately contacted the Expert through
    email ( Even though the Expert was only able to retrieve 80% of my Crypto, I’m nevertheless happy because I didn’t think it would be possible.
    Web Add
    WhatsApp Contact +1 (447) 442-0456.

    Winnie Huffel

    I am Winnie Huffel, a Poland born living in Boston, USA. Losing one’s Digital Assets or Cryptocurrency to Scammers tends to be complicated and Frustrating too. I happened to fall victim After being swindled off $230,000 of Crypto by a fraudulent Company’s website that had guaranteed me to double my Investment in a week. When I finally came to realize I had lost my funds, I immediately took action as this was all my savings, that’s when I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, a legitimate Crypto Expert specializing in Cryptocurrency and Assets Recovery. I immediately contacted the Expert through
    email ( Even though the Expert was only able to retrieve 80% of my Crypto, I’m nevertheless happy because I didn’t think it would be possible.
    Web Add
    WhatsApp Contact +1 (447) 442-0456.

    Winnie Huffel

    I am Winnie Huffel, a Poland born living in Boston, USA. Losing one’s Digital Assets or Cryptocurrency to Scammers tends to be complicated and Frustrating too. I happened to fall victim After being swindled off $230,000 of Crypto by a fraudulent Company’s website that had guaranteed me to double my Investment in a week. When I finally came to realize I had lost my funds, I immediately took action as this was all my savings, that’s when I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, a legitimate Crypto Expert specializing in Cryptocurrency and Assets Recovery. I immediately contacted the Expert through
    email ( Even though the Expert was only able to retrieve 80% of my Crypto, I’m nevertheless happy because I didn’t think it would be possible.
    Web Add
    WhatsApp Contact +1 (447) 442-0456.

    Winnie Huffel

    I am Winnie Huffel, a Poland born living in Boston, USA. Losing one’s Digital Assets or Cryptocurrency to Scammers tends to be complicated and Frustrating too. I happened to fall victim After being swindled off $230,000 of Crypto by a fraudulent Company’s website that had guaranteed me to double my Investment in a week. When I finally came to realize I had lost my funds, I immediately took action as this was all my savings, that’s when I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, a legitimate Crypto Expert specializing in Cryptocurrency and Assets Recovery. I immediately contacted the Expert through
    email ( Even though the Expert was only able to retrieve 80% of my Crypto, I’m nevertheless happy because I didn’t think it would be possible.
    Web Add
    WhatsApp Contact +1 (447) 442-0456.

    Winnie Huffel
  • Most frequently asked question by investors after losing Bitcoins to fraudsters, is how possible is it to recover the lost Funds. I happened to become a scam victim last summer. I became interested in Cryptocurrency trading last summer and decided to trade $525,000 worth of crypto through an online software company which promised huge returns. Everything went wrong after they transferred all my funds from my coin base wallet to an unknown wallet address. I immediately had a search out on a reliable option to recover the funds back. I came across Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, a specialized Expert in Cryptocurrency Recovery services. I must say I have good fortune, all my lost funds have been recovered back all thanks to Jeanson James Ancheta wizard To any victim who has lost Crypto to fraudsters learn more on restoring back your funds cantact them Email:( or WhatsApp: +4531898073 Or Telegram number: +4571398534.

    Serena Victor

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