Tiramisu express sans oeufs




Coucou les gourmands,

Je reviens avec la deuxième recettes de la semaine, qui est une recette très connue et très appréciée. 

Je voulais vous proposer la version du tiramisu qui se rapproche plus de la vraie version, mais toujours avec ma petite touche.

Dans cette version, j'utilise bien des boudoirs mais je ferai la version au chocolat car je n'aime pas le café, désolée pour les puristes.

Mais vous pouvez toujours faire la version à café avec cette recette.

Je pense que vous allez cette version rapide et sans oeufs.

Lorsque j'utilise les boudoirs achètent en magasin, je retire le sucre qui est au-dessus du boudoir, je les trouve trop sucré comme vous savez j'aime les desserts peu sucrés.

Toujours fidèle à ma crème mascarpone chantilly, the best . Si vous n'aimez pas la mascarpone , vous pouvez la faire avec du Philadelphia.

La devise a été respecte, une recette simplerapide et extrêmement délicieuxÀ vous de juger, je suis confiante.


  • sans cuisson.
  • sans oeufs.
  • simple à réaliser.
  • préparation simple.
  • avec très peu d'ingrédients
  • parfait pour les enfants.
  • peut être fait en atelier de pâtisserie avec les enfants.
  • pas cher à réaliser.
  • léger et aérer.
  • délicieux, sucré juste comme il faut. 

Recette du tiramisu express sans oeufs




  • 21 boudoirs
  • un paquet de poudre de cacao non sucré
  • 150 ml de lait ( végétale ou non)
  • 200 gr de mascarpone
  • 320 gr de crème liquide
  • 60 gr de sucre glace
  • cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille


Chantilly mascarpone à la vanille



Crème mascarpone chantilly

  1. Dans un saladier, mettez la mascarpone et 1/4 de la crème (faîtes le au jugé ne vous embêtez pas). Mélangez les un peu avec une spatule pour que la mascarpone se détende. 
  2. Rajoutez le reste de crème et fouettez la préparation à vitesse rapide. Fiez vous à la consistance de votre préparation, il faut qu’elle monte, qu’elle ne soit plus liquide et qu’elle ait la texture d’une crème
  3. Une fois que la crème commence à monter, ajoutez le sucre glace, la vanille, la poudre d'Oréo et continuez à battre .
  4. En tout il faut battre la crème 1-2 min mais il faut une crème pas trop ferme , facile à étaler.

Ma recette de crème mascarpone chantilly pour number cakes, cakes, cupcakes


  1. Remplir un bol du lait à mélanger a 15 gr de poudre de cacao
  2. Tremper les boudoirs dans le mélange lait + poudre de cacao.
  3.  Disposer vos boudoirs
  4. Recouvrir d'une couche de crème
  5. Répéter ces 3 dernières étapes encore deux fois.
  6. Recouvrir avec une couche de cacao en poudre à l'aide d'un tamis.
Voilà mon tiramisu express n'a plus de secret pour toi. 
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Laisse moi un petit commentaire , cela me fera plaisir!!😘😘
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153 commentaires

  • Emilia from South Africa is my name. I’m here to attest to how DR. TEBE saved my marriage with his potent spell. Please do not disregard this communication. I’ve been married to my spouse for about seven years. We were a happy married couple with two sons for children. My spouse began acting strangely three months ago, and a few weeks later, I discovered that he was seeing someone else. He began arriving home from work later than usual, and he showed little interest in the kids or me anymore. On occasion, he would leave the house and not return for two to three days. I tried all I could to solve this issue, but it was unsuccessful. I started to feel really concerned and in need of assistance. One day, while perusing the Internet, I stumbled onto a page claiming that Dr. Tebe could assist in resolving marital issues, mending damaged relationships, and other related issues. I decided to give him a try as a result. When I reached out to him, he cast a magic for me. After a few hours, my spouse approached me, expressed regret for his actions, and vowed never to repeat them. Everything has been back to normal ever since. I’m back to live happily with my family. I am grateful to Dr. Tebe. I advise you to get in touch with him if you’re in need of a spell caster that can really perform a powerful spell. This is the webpage for him.  His website is at http://drtebespelltemplee.website2.me. You may reach him via email at drtebespelltemple@gmail.com or by direct messaging him on WhatsApp at +16615254146. I would suggest that you get in touch with DR. TEBE, as he is the ideal person to assist you in using his potent spell to address all of your spiritual issues.

    Emilia Joseph
  • Emilia from South Africa is my name. I’m here to attest to how DR. TEBE saved my marriage with his potent spell. Please do not disregard this communication. I’ve been married to my spouse for about seven years. We were a happy married couple with two sons for children. My spouse began acting strangely three months ago, and a few weeks later, I discovered that he was seeing someone else. He began arriving home from work later than usual, and he showed little interest in the kids or me anymore. On occasion, he would leave the house and not return for two to three days. I tried all I could to solve this issue, but it was unsuccessful. I started to feel really concerned and in need of assistance. One day, while perusing the Internet, I stumbled onto a page claiming that Dr. Tebe could assist in resolving marital issues, mending damaged relationships, and other related issues. I decided to give him a try as a result. When I reached out to him, he cast a magic for me. After a few hours, my spouse approached me, expressed regret for his actions, and vowed never to repeat them. Everything has been back to normal ever since. I’m back to live happily with my family. I am grateful to Dr. Tebe. I advise you to get in touch with him if you’re in need of a spell caster that can really perform a powerful spell. This is the webpage for him.  His website is at http://drtebespelltemplee.website2.me. You may reach him via email at drtebespelltemple@gmail.com or by direct messaging him on WhatsApp at +16615254146. I would suggest that you get in touch with DR. TEBE, as he is the ideal person to assist you in using his potent spell to address all of your spiritual issues.

    Emilia Joseph
  • Emilia from South Africa is my name. I’m here to attest to how DR. TEBE saved my marriage with his potent spell. Please do not disregard this communication. I’ve been married to my spouse for about seven years. We were a happy married couple with two sons for children. My spouse began acting strangely three months ago, and a few weeks later, I discovered that he was seeing someone else. He began arriving home from work later than usual, and he showed little interest in the kids or me anymore. On occasion, he would leave the house and not return for two to three days. I tried all I could to solve this issue, but it was unsuccessful. I started to feel really concerned and in need of assistance. One day, while perusing the Internet, I stumbled onto a page claiming that Dr. Tebe could assist in resolving marital issues, mending damaged relationships, and other related issues. I decided to give him a try as a result. When I reached out to him, he cast a magic for me. After a few hours, my spouse approached me, expressed regret for his actions, and vowed never to repeat them. Everything has been back to normal ever since. I’m back to live happily with my family. I am grateful to Dr. Tebe. I advise you to get in touch with him if you’re in need of a spell caster that can really perform a powerful spell. This is the webpage for him.  His website is at http://drtebespelltemplee.website2.me. You may reach him via email at drtebespelltemple@gmail.com or by direct messaging him on WhatsApp at +16615254146. I would suggest that you get in touch with DR. TEBE, as he is the ideal person to assist you in using his potent spell to address all of your spiritual issues.

    Emilia Joseph
    Priest UKOLOJO I want to start first by saying a big “thank you” to you . There are a bunch of nuts out there just trying to make a fast buck, but you are genuine! I prayed before I went online that God would send me exactly where I needed to go to find help for my problems concerning my love life.. And I mean I went directly to your site and felt it was the place I needed to be. now my relationship is reunited and my boyfriend is back to me with much of love even more than before. I’m forever grateful! Priest UKOLOJO is Highly Recommended for anyone who needs help. Of that I am certain, Thank you so much!!! you can contact him on this email: priestukolojospelltemple@gmail.com OR 
    WhatsApp +2348133685466

    Linda Mckee
    Priest UKOLOJO I want to start first by saying a big “thank you” to you . There are a bunch of nuts out there just trying to make a fast buck, but you are genuine! I prayed before I went online that God would send me exactly where I needed to go to find help for my problems concerning my love life.. And I mean I went directly to your site and felt it was the place I needed to be. now my relationship is reunited and my boyfriend is back to me with much of love even more than before. I’m forever grateful! Priest UKOLOJO is Highly Recommended for anyone who needs help. Of that I am certain, Thank you so much!!! you can contact him on this email: priestukolojospelltemple@gmail.com OR 
    WhatsApp +2348133685466

    Linda Mckee

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